Have I mentioned my dear friend Rosie Posie? She's a hoot. I gotta keep it brief though, because she gets very upset about being put "On the Internet without her permission" (giggle). She's so cute.
Anyway.....MISS Rose... has that perfect puppy dog look along with a whine that will put the most enthusiastic 4 year old to shame. Sometimes this works for Rose.... Guilt. HAHAHA. Trust me, I'm laughing here. I brought some things to "Show and Tell" at guild over the past 6 months and each time I proudly showed my completed bags: (Retreat Bag posted
here and Bionic Gear Bag posted
here, and Toiletry bag posted
here) I heard this little whimper from the back row....that got kinda screechy.... and while I thought I dodged them, smiled, and forgot about it...she was slowly whittling away at my armor...
" Wherrrreee'sss Miiinnnnnneeee??? "
I'd smile.... laugh uncomfortably... "You gotta make one if you want one Rose...." and she would show the most dramatic look of shock she could muster....followed by a pout. Now Rose is about 4 foot something, cute as a button, EIGHTY-ONE years old and has a tendency to come along on my Craig's List adventures, wearing her Eeyore pajamas, pretending to be a pain-in-the-ass granny that can't make up her mind. Sometimes, the seller will feel that guilty twinge that I thought (foolishly) that I was immune to.... and give us a good price just to get rid of us....
Mental Note #1 - Gotta make Rosie a retreat bag with Halloween fabrics, she would just love that.
Mental Note #2 - Gotta make Rosie a toiletries bag, she would just love that.
Mental Note #3 - Gotta make Rosie a Bionic Gear Bag, maybe with those purplish leftovers I have from another project, she would just love that.
So I would mention these mental notes to other friends, and thus committing in my mind that I'm going to do it....right?? WRONG.
I texted her one weekend when all these mental notes were flying around in my head and made it down on paper. I was like.....what happened here??? How did she do that????
The text went something like this - "Let's talk bags for a minute missy.. You've asked me for a Toiletry Bag, a Chubby Charmer bad AND a Bionic Gear bag. Guilt is weighing on me bad here... can you pick a favorite or something? "
So I'm waiting for her response right..... I'm waiting to be released from my guilt with something like "Oh my goodness...I was just kidding, you don't have to make me a bag...." right? WRONG.
She comes back with "Is the Bionic Bag the one u showed on Tues night?
.................. yes......... (as I'm hanging my guilt ridden head in my hands watching my phone)....
"I would love that one." she says.
Oh man......
So away I go to my stash and get cutting. I want to get this thing done and OUT of my head!!!
Purplish HST's left over from another project |
LITTLE purplish HST's too! |
My handy Dandy Notecards for cutting |
The inside structure - mirrored |
Sized the piece I sewed together for the outside |
Pieced together the inside |
Viola! a Purpley Bag for Rosie! |
I like how the pieced outside turned out! |
Little Dumpling dish in there to match |
So I sneak up behind her at the next guild meeting and hand her the bag. She squeels with delight! Gives me a hug and a kiss and I announce..... "I love you Rosie...and I am NOW guilt free".
She proceeds to show off her bag as HER show and tell.....giggling the whole way.
While this post is dated Sept 13 - I'm actually writing it in January 2017 and back dating it. I've been meaning to sit still for a night and post a bunch of different things that I've been doing. I tell you this only because it is relevant to the story here. EVERY single time I have seen Rose since.....there is that whimper, then whine, then shock, then pout about something. Anything, you pick. And I look at her, point my finger and tell her... "Oh no you don't!! I'm immune!! You go find someone else to pick on! I've got at least a year before that crap works on me again....". And she smiles and laughs and crosses her arms and wanders away... She knows I've got her number now. bwahahahahahahaha....